In 2014/15 I organised a project with parents and staff singing songs from their own national backgrounds. In three different studios over the course of the year we recorded 17 songs. The CD we produced includes songs from Somalia, Bangladesh, The Philippines, Poland, England, Lithuania, Hungary and Kenya. To listen to all these songs just continue reading. You will also find lyrics and translations.

(for all lyrics and translations see below)
Track 1
Song: Pieski Male Dwa
Singer: Katarzyna Krupecka
Pieski małe dwa chciały przejść przez rzeczkę,
Nie wiedziały jak, znalazły kładeczkę,
Kładka była zła, skąpały się pieski dwa.
Pieski małe dwa poszły raz na łąkę,
Zobaczyły tam czerwoną biedronkę,
A biedronka ta mnóstwo czarnych kropek ma.
Pieski małe dwa bardzo się zdziwiły
O biedronkę tę omal się nie biły
Bo każdy z nich chciał, żeby ją dla siebie miał
Kiedy weszli w gąszcz, to się okazało,
Że to zwykły chrząszcz, dwóch piesków się dało
Nabrać na jej wdzięk, z dwóch serc słychać cichy jęk
Pieski małe dwa, chciały przejść się chwilkę,
Nie wiedziały jak, biegły przeszło milkę
I znalazły coś – taką dużą białą kość.
Pieski małe dwa wróciły do domu,
O przygodzie swej nie rzekły nikomu,
Wlazły w budę swą, teraz sobie smacznie śpią.
Two little dogs wanted to go for a walk
They didn’t know how but they walked a whole mile.
And they found something: a big white bone.
Si Bon si Bon trala lala la
Si Bon si Bon trala lala la.
Two little dogs wanted to cross the river
They didn’t know how, they found a plank of wood
And although it wasn’t strong enough
Two little dogs crossed over to the other side.
Two little dogs went to the meadow
They found a red ladybird
And this ladybird had seven black dots
Two little dogs returned home
Without telling anyone about their adventure
They climbed into their basket and now they are sound asleep.
Track 2
Song: Hatimatim Tim
Singer: Tarana Rouf Kamta
Hatima tim tim tara,
mathe pade dim,
tader khada duto shing
tara hatima tim tim,
tara hatimatim tim.
Hatimatim Tim
They lay eggs in the field
They have two pointed horns
They are Hatimatim Tim
Track 3
Song: Sikiliza Mamawe (Listen Mother)
Singer: Furdosa Omar
Sikiliza mamawe
Nikuambie kitu
mikono tangu
midogo ee
Siweze kufanya kazi
Lakini mpenzi mamawe
Nitakuwa mkumbwa
Nita kustidia na wewe
Pumzika na wewe
Pumzika na wewe
Listen mother
I want to tell you something
My hands are small
I can’t do anything
But my darling mother
I will grow up
And then I will help you
And you will relax
And you will relax
And you will relax
Track 4
Song: Bajka Iskierki (Janina Prazińska)
Singer: Joanna Romanowikz
Z popielnika na Wojtusia
iskiereczka mruga:
chodź, opowiem ci bajeczkę,
bajka będzie długa.
Była sobie Baba Jaga,
Miała chatkę z masła,
a w tej chatce same dziwy!…
Psst! Iskierka zgasła.
Była sobie raz królewna,
Polochała grajka,
Król wyprawił im wesele
i skończona bajka.
From an ash pan at Alberty
Little sparkle twinkles
Come here, I’ll tell you a story
The story gon’ be long
Once upon a time Baba Yaga,
The witch had a butter cottage
In the cottage many strange things
The sparks from the fire went out
Once upon a time a princess
Fell in love with a busker
The king arranged a wedding for them
And the story ends
Track 5
Song: Paa, Tuhod (My Toes, My Knees)
Singer: Christina Mimer
Paa, tuhod, balikat, ulo
Paa, tuhod, balikat, ulo
Paa, tuhod, balikat, ulo
Magpalakpakan tayo
My toes, my knees, my shoulder, my head
My toes, my knees, my shoulder, my head
My toes, my knees, my shoulder, my head
We all clap hands together
Track 6
Song: Rao Rao Rabet (The Big Hippo)
Singer: Emily Odongo
Rao Rao rabet
Gino onyono piny
Wololo x 4
Gino onyono piny
Ka ineno rao e pi
Inigo uwi (uwii)
The big hippo x 2
Has stomped the ground
Wololo x 4
It has stomped the ground.
If you see the hippo in the water
You will scream (uwiii)
Track 7
Song: There’s a Hole in my Bucket
Singers: Will Green and Brenda Warren
There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Brenda, dear Brenda
There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Brenda, a hole.
Then fix it, dear William, dear William, dear William,
Oh fix it, dear William, dear William, fix it.
With what shall I mend it?
With a straw…
But the straw is too long…
Then cut it…
With what shall I cut it?
With an axe…
The axe is too dull…
Then sharpen it…
On what shall I sharpen it?
On a stone…
But the stone is too dry…
Then wet it…
With what shall I wet it?
Try water…
In what shall I fetch it?
In a bucket…
But there’s a hole in my bucket, dear Brenda, dear Brenda…
Track 8
Song: Amader Deshta Swapnopuri
Singer: Tarana Rouf Kamta
Amader deshta shopno puri
Shathi moder phulpori
Phulpori, Lalpori, Lalpori, Neelpori
shobar shathe bhab kori
Ekhane Mithye Kotha Keu bole na
Ekhane Oshot Pothe keu Chole na
O ho ho ho ho ho ho
Porar Shomoy Lekha Pora
Kajer Shomoy Kaj Kora
Khelar Shomoy Mora Khela Kori, Khela Kori
Amader Deshta…….
Ekhane Mondo Hote Keu Pare Na
Ekhane Hingsha Kobhu Keu Kore Na
O ho ho ho ho ho ho
Nei Kono DukhKho Opoman
Chhoto Boro Shobai Shoman
Bhalobasha Diye Jibon Gori, Jibon Gori
Amader Deshta ………
Our country is a dreamland
Flower fairies are our friend
Flower Fairy, Red Fairy, Blue fairy
We make all of them our friends
Nobody tell any lie here
Nobody choose the wrong path here
We study in time
We work in time
We play when the time is for playing
Nobody can become bad here
Nobody have any jelousy here
There is no pain, no disgrace
There is no high and low, everyone is equal here
We build our life with love
Track 9
Song: Песенка друзей or Pesenka Druzey or Friends’ Song
Singer: Galina Uskov
Мы едем, едем, едем в далёкие края,
Хорошие соседи, счастливые друзья!
Нам весело живётся, мы песенку поём,
А в песенке поётся о том, как мы живём!
Тра-та-та, тра-та-та, мы везём с собой кота,
Чижика, собаку, петьку – забияку,
Обезьяну, попугая, вот – компания какая!
Вот – компания какая!
Когда живётся дружно, что может лучше быть?
И ссориться не нужно, и можно всех любить!
А если нас увидит, иль встретит кто нибудь,
Друзей он не обидит, он скажет: ” В добрый путь!”
Мы ехали, мы пели и с песенкой смешной
Все вместе, как сумели, приехали домой!
Нам солнышко светило, нас ветер обвевал,
В пути не скучно было, и каждый напевал
Mi yedem, yedem, yedem v dalyokiye kraya
Horoshiye sasedi, schastliviye druz’ya!
Nam vesela zhivyotsya, mi pesenku poyom
A v pesenke poyotsya a tom, kak mi zhivyom!
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, mi vezyom s soboy kota
Chizhika sobaku, pet’ku – zabiyaku
Abez’yanu, papugaya, vot – kompaniya kakaya!
Vot – kompaniya kakaya!
Kagda zhivyotsya druzhna, chto mozhet luchshe bit’?
I ssorit’sya ne nuzhna, i mozhno vseh lyubit’!
A yesli nas uvidit, el’ vstretit kto nibud’
Druzei on ne obidit, on skazhet: “V dobriy put’!
Mi yehali, mi peli i s pesenkoi smeshnoi
Vse vmeste, kak sumeli, preyehali domoy!
Nam solnishka svetila, nas veter obveval
V puti ne skuchna bila, i kazhdiy napeval
We are going on the train to the distant lands,
Good Neighbors, Happy friends.
We are having fun and singing a song, about our happy life.
We are traveling in the company of our pets: cat, dog, monkey, and a parrot
When you travel together with your friends, what could be better?
When you have many friends, there is no need to quarrel and you can be nice to everyone.
When you on a long journey with your friends,
They can help you when you need it.
Be happy and cheer with your friends
Track 10
Song: Kung Ikaw ay Masaya (If You’re Happy)
Singer: Christina Mimer
Kung ikaw ay masaya’y, pumalakpak
Kung ikaw ay masaya’y, pumalakpak
Kung ikaw ay masaya buhay mo’y maligaya
Kung ikaw ay masaya’y, pumalakpak
…pumadyak ka
…kumimbot ka
If you are happy, clap your hands
If you are happy, clap your hands
If you are happy, you have a pleasing life
If you are happy, clap your hands.
…stamp your feet
…swing your hips
Track 11
Song: Noton
Singer: Tarana Rouf Kamta
Noton noton payera gulu
Jhoton bedhese
Oi paharer meye gulu
Naite nemese
Ke dekhese ke dhekhese
Dada dekhese
Dadar hate kolom silo
Sure merese
Uff boddo legese
The new pigeons are flocking together
Girls from that mountain are bathing in the pond
Who has seen? Who has seen? My brother has seen.
He has a pen in his hand which he has thrown
Ouch, it hurts too much.
Track 12
Song: Aaa Kotki Dwa (Two Little Kittens)
Singer: Marzena Majewska
W górze tyle gwiazd
W dole tyle miast
Gwiazdy miastu dają znać,
że dzieci muszą spać.
Więc śpij kochanie
Jeśli gwiazdkę z nieba chcesz
Czego pragniesz
Daj mi znać
Ja Ci wszystko mogę dać
Więc dlaczego nie chcesz spać?
Ach Śpij, bo nocą
Kiedy gwiazdy się na niebie złocą
Wszystkie dzieci nawet złe
pogrążone są we śnie,
a Ty jeden tylko nie.
Aaaaa Aaaaa były sobie kotki dwa
Aaaaa kotki dwa
szaro-bure szaro-bure
Ach śpij, bo właśnie
księżyc ziewa i za chwilę zaśnie
A gdy rano przyjdzie świt
Księżycowi będzie wstyd,
że on zasnął, a nie Ty!
że on zasnął… a… nie…. Ty……
So many stars above
So many towns below
Stars let towns know
Children should go to sleep
So sleep my darling
If you want the star above
You can have it
Please tell me what it is you need
I can give you anything
So why can’t you fall asleep?
Ohhh sleep, because at night
When the stars shine bright
All children, even naughty ones
Are sleeping tight
Except you…
Aaaaa Aaaaa
Two little kittens run
Two kittens
Both are grey
Ohhh sleep,
Because right now even the moon yawns
And falls asleep.
And when the morning comes
The moon will be embarrassed
That it fell asleep and not you!
Track 13
Song: Arday Paam Ahayoo
Singer: Mariam Malin
I’m a student, the flower of my country
I’m working hard to be something in my country
Allah is helping me to reach my destination
Why am I going through all these tests?
It’s to say thank you to my parents
Track 14
Song: The Invention of Shoes
Singer: Tarana Rouf Kamta
Ek je silo raja hobu chondro tahar nam
varoter odhisod delhite tar dham.
Prodhan o montree tar gobuchondra shuvo nam
budhite vishon dhar desh jora tar nam
na na na………….
ekdin deke bollen raja montree moshaye shunun
ei deshta vishon dhuloye vora ekta kisu korun
cholte dhulo phirte dhulo hate paye dhulo
khabaro dhuloye vora arr mogojete dhulo
taratari kisu korun taratari kisu korun montree moshaye bollen ektu sobur korun
porer din lakh khanek jharu darer
jharur ghaye uthlo je dhulor jhor
pran rakha je daye
raja moshaye tokhon cabinet miteeing deke
bollen ei apnara bar korun upaye
montrona montreera dilen jol phelo jol phelo
tar phole kada ar pake deshta vore gelo
nodi nala sob shukalo pukurer mas morlo arr jolo haoye kadaye rajar
vishon sordi holo
ore baba kothaye jaire ore baba mara jaire
ek phota ghote budhi montreeder ki naire.
Pondit probor tokhon bollen shune diya mon
sharata desh borong chamray mure dao
bollen raja moshai idea ta mondo noy
joto muchi chamar sobbaike khobor dao
La —- —— ——- ———
Parlamente jei na ei prostabta rakha holo
empi ra shob protibade hoi hoi bollo
Go matake rokkha korar daiytto je rajar
kina tari chamray dhakbe jomi
hay kije onachar
hore hore bom bom bom bom (2)
raja moshai bollen aami withdraw korlum
ek muchi doridro bollo shonen he bhodro
shobinoy nibedon shunun amar
prithibi na dheke pa ta chamray din dheke
shune raja bolloen “Chup kor bata chamar”
Bollen raja ei kothata onek bochhor dhore
amar mathay chhilo bata ter pelo ki kore
shei theke deshete jutor procholon holo
dhonno dhonno moharajar deshe pore gelo
dhonno he dhonno raja, dhonno he moharaja
shobai dhonno dhonno bolo
aar amar kotha furalo.
Once upon a time there was a king named “Hobu Chondro”
He was the king of India and lived in Delhi.
His chief minister was “Gobu Chondro”,
Who was very intelligent and was famous in the country.
One day the king said, “Listen Mr Minister..
This country is full of dust, please do something about it.
There is dust everywhere; our hands and feet are getting dusty,
Our food is getting dusty, even our brains are getting dusty!
Please do something soon! Do something soon!!”
The minister said, “Please wait a bit”
The next day about 100,000 brooms started to clean the roads,
As a result the surroundings became so dusty that it became hard to breath!
Then the King called a meeting and asked for an immediate resolution.
Then the ministers asked to pour water to reduce the dust
As a result, the whole country became muddy!
All the rivers and ponds dried up and the fish started to die.
The air became very wet and even the king caught a cold.
The king started to say “Oh my God, I am dying! Where shall I go!
Don’t these ministers have any intellect at all?”
Then another “wise” man said, “Please listen carefully.
Cover the whole country with cow hide”
Then the king said, “Well, the idea is not bad. Summon all the skinners”
Whenever this proposal came to parliament,
All the MPs protested against the decision together
They said, “It is the sacred duty of the King to save the mother cow,
Hore Hore Bome Bome Bome Bome”
Then the King said “I am withdrawing my decision.”
There was a poor shoe maker and he said, “Please kindly listen to me,
Instead of covering the country, rather cover your feet with hide”
After listening to him, the King said, “Shut up you cobbler!”
The king said, “This idea was in my mind for many years.
How did this cobbler know?”
From that day on the trend of wearing shoes began.
Everyone congratulated the King for his wonderful idea
“Praise the King, Praise the Great King!”
Everyone said “Praise the King!”
And my word has ended.
Track 15
Song: Ikipice kis mese (Itsy Bitsy Little Tale)
Singer: Eva Balint
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, egy icipici házikó,
Icipici házikóban, icipici ágyikó.
Ottan élt éldegélt, egy icipici lencsilány,
Icipici anyukával, túl az Óperencián.
Icipici lencsilányka, lencsibabát ringatott,
Anyuka is ezt csinálta s boldogságban éltek ott.
Amikor este lett, az icipici lányka félt,
Icipici anyukája mondott egy mesét.
Once upon a time there was an itsy bitsy little house
In the itsy bitsy little house there was an itsy bitsy little bed
There lived an itsy bitsy tiny little girl
With her itsy bitsy mother over the hills and far away
The itsy bitsy tiny little girl was rocking an itsy bitsy tiny little dolly
And her mother did exactly the same
And they both lived in great happiness
When it turned dark the itsy bitsy little girl got scared
To stop her being scared her mother told her an itsy bitsy little tale
Track 16
Song: Kuna Mtu Shambani (There’s a Man in the Garden)
Singer: Furdosa Omar
Kuna mtu shambani
Kuna mtu shambani
Iya iya kuna mtu shambani
Mtu ataka mke
Mtu ataka mke
Iya iya mtu ataka mke
Mke ataka mtoto…
Mtoto ataka yaya…
Yaya ataka mbwa…
Mbwa ataka mfupa…
Tumpapase mbwa…
There is a man in the garden
There is a man in the garden
Iya iya there is a man in the garden
The man wants a wife
The man wants a wife
Iya iya the man wants a wife
The wife wants a baby…
The baby wants a childminder…
The childminder wants a dog…
The dog wants a bone…
Let’s all pat the dog…
Track 17
Song: Allah Hoo
Singer: Humaira Ijaz
tere hii naam se har ibtidaa hai
tere hii naam tak har intihaa hai
terii hamd-o-sanaa, alhumdulillah
ke tuu mere Muhammad kaa Khudaa hai
Allah huu Allah huu
Allah huu Allah huu
ye zamiin jab na thii, ye jahaaN jab na thaa
chaaNd suraj na the, aasmaaN jab na thaa
raaz-e-haq bhii kisii par ayaaN jab na thaa
jab na thaa kuch yahaaN, thaa magar tuu hi tuu
pahuNche meraaj meN arsh tak Mustafaa
jab na maabuud-o-bande meN pardaa rahaa
tab malaaik ne Hazrat se chhup kar kahaa
saarii maKhluuq meN haq-numaa tuu hii tuu
laa ilaahaa terii shaan yaa! vaadahuu
tuu Khayaal-o-tajassus, tuu hii aarzuu
aaNkh kii roshnii, dil kii aavaaz
thaa bhii tuu, hai bhii tuu, hogaa bhii tuu
All beginnings begin with your name
All the [blessings] end with your name.
Your praise is praiseworthy
Because you are the God of my Muhammad.
The time when there was neither land nor the world
Nor moon, sun or the sky,
When truth was not known to anyone.
At that time there was nothing except you.
When Mustafa (another name of Prophet Muhammad) ascended to heavens
When there was no veil between the master and the servant.
Then the angels said secretly to the Prophet
That of all the creations, only he was truth-like.
There is no one like you and that is your grandeur, O! The unique one
You are the imagination and inquisitiveness, you are the wish
You are the light [and] the voice of heart
You were there, you are there and you will be there.